Starbucks, once a bold leader in greening its packaging and source reduction policies, is now falling behind. On March 21, actor, filmmaker and UN Environment Goodwill Ambassador Adrian Grenier will present As You Sow’s shareholder resolution at Starbucks’ annual general meeting.
Read MoreAlbert Camus once wrote that “the absurd is born of this confrontation between the human need and the unreasonable silence of the world.” The silence of the world has been broken on exorbitant pay packages for CEOs, and the truth is indeed absurd.
Read MoreWhen positive change doesn’t come from the federal government, or from corporations, who can we rely on? More than ever, it is clear that investors who use their voices as a powerful force for positive change can make a difference at companies that want to thrive and survive in the future.
Read MoreThe automotive sector has a key role to play in helping to prevent climate change. Transportation accounts for more than 27 percent of U.S. greenhouse emissions. Given the accelerating pace of climate change and its devastating impacts, greenhouse gas emission reductions by the auto sector.
Read MoreThe financial sector plays a role funneling billions of dollars to companies that make the weapons used in mass shootings, and these banks and lenders are increasingly acknowledging a moral responsibility to shun these weapon companies, even if legislators won’t.
Read MoreAlthough many corporations still pollute waterways and finance shadowy lobbying groups, it’s getting harder for companies to outright deny scientific consensus. It’s only going to get harder for Sanderson Farms, making now the perfect time to face reality.
Read MoreThat which we call cocoa, by any other name would smell as sweet, but the same can’t be said for lead and cadmium. While dark chocolate is often marketed as healthful because it contains antioxidants, it also frequently contains lead and cadmium, an attribute not marketed to consumers.
Read MoreIt is welcome and long-overdue to have BlackRock adopt the language and join the ranks of thoughtful investors that use their power to press companies to adopt strong environmental, social, and governance (ESG) policies and practices.
Read MoreTransition or trial? Response or responsibility? Fossil fuel companies must face these choices head on as they increasingly find themselves in the cross hairs of climate-related litigation.
Read MoreThe discussion of how much leaders should be paid in comparison to their workers is an old one, as pointed out by former compensation consultant Graef Crystal, “Plato told Aristotle no one should make more than five times the pay of the lowest member of society. J.P. Morgan said 20 times.
Read MoreMore than 30 institutional investors with combined assets of $50 billion are asking three leading U.S. carpet manufacturers to make good on previous promises to recycle a substantial amount of discarded carpet.
Read MoreVanguard is one of the world’s largest asset managers, handling the retirement savings of millions of Americans. Its mission is to help people save for the future. At the same time, it’s playing a major role directing billions in funding to carbon polluters.
Read MorePlastic pollution on land and water has risen in prominence dramatically as an environmental issue in the last two years as new science-based studies showed far higher rates of plastic ending up in oceans than previously believed, and institution issued blueprints for stemming that flow.
Read MoreThe energy transition from dirty fossil fuels to clean, renewable sources isn’t just coming, it’s here. Bloomberg New Energy Finance commented at an April presentation of their New Energy Outlook 2017 report.
Read MoreThe oil and gas industry has an opportunity. As climate change related destruction grows, it is clear that we must quickly reduce greenhouse gas emissions or face increasing destruction of our lives, the economy, and the environment.
Read MoreThe United Nations is holding its annual climate change conference in Bonn this week, but the tone this year is different. Driven by a growing litany of harms associated with a warming planet, global governments are getting down to the brass tacks of implementing the Paris Climate Accord.
Read MoreWatching Harvey approach from afar in August 2017, I again hoped for the best, but then the horror sunk in as friends posted photos and videos of unprecedented destruction. The National Weather Service had to develop new colors for its coding to account for the rain and floods caused by Harvey.
Read MoreAs millennial-aged employees now represent the majority of the U.S. workforce, it is increasingly important that corporate management finds ways to engage them in the company. Creating 401(k) plans which connect to their core values can be a huge advantage.
Read MoreTobacco kills or disables millions of the people who use it. So it shouldn’t be surprising that some people want to take a moral stand by divesting from Big Tobacco. They’re refusing to personally profit from corporations contributing to a public health crisis.
Read MoreThe Trump administration’s announcement to end the Clean Power Plan increases risk to investors now and into the future. Fossil-fired utilities are the source of one-third of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions. The U.S. is already paying a high public health and economic price from climate change.
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