Carbon Clean 200™:
Investing in a Clean Energy Future
2018 Q1 Performance Update
** As You Sow and Corporate Knights are not investment advisors, nor do we provide financial planning, legal or tax advice. Nothing in the Carbon Clean 200 Report shall constitute or be construed as an offering of financial instruments, or as investment advice or investment recommendations. Read our full disclaimer.**
We are happy to present the 2018 Q1 Clean200™ list of publicly traded companies that are leading the way with solutions for the transition to a clean energy future.
Since our first report was launched in the summer of 2016, a great deal has changed in the world. Mainstream investors around the world have joined the march away from fossil fuels to clean energy and the big automakers are racing toward a fossil free future. In fact, the CEO of Shell announced he is going electric for his next car. After taking a dive, oil stocks have climbed over the previous six months on stronger oil prices, but this mini-rally is missing the mojo of the past and overall the energy sector is underperforming the benchmark.
While some feared the change in the political climate in the U.S. would bode badly for clean energy at the expense of fossil fuels, the opposite has happened. After some initial market uncertainty following last year’s Presidential election, the Clean200 stocks have dramatically outpaced the returns of fossil fuel stocks, turning in almost double the performance.
Beyond America, global growth is now being driven by emerging economies, which account for 80% of economic growth.
But the real takeaway continues to be that the clean energy story is global and it is no longer niche. Twenty-nine countries are represented by the latest Clean200 cohort, which have an average market capitalization of $9.4 billion and generate over $363 billion in clean energy revenues per year. While the stock market continues to break records in the short term, the long term clean energy economic expansion continues afoot, regardless of what happens in the White House.
Beyond America, global growth is now being driven by emerging economies, which account for 80% of economic growth. Among the 2017 Clean200 companies, Greater China (China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan) is still the leader with 68 companies versus 35 from the US, despite the US stock market being more than twice the size of Greater China’s. Meanwhile, the second most populous nation, India, lagged far behind China with just 7 companies qualifying for the Clean200.
Being on the vanguard of the clean energy transition is at once an economic, political (cleaner air), and geopolitical imperative as it relates to China’s role as a leading nation in the 21st century. This point is made in a report by the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis, which found China’s dominance in renewables rapidly spreading overseas, with the country accelerating its foreign investment in renewable energy, electric cars, and supporting technologies.
Overall the model that we have presented in the form of the Clean200 continues to indicate that demand and market forces are driving the inexorable transition away from fossil fuels into a clean energy economy. With extreme weather and climate events pummelling the globe with hundreds of billions of dollars in damage from hurricanes, typhoons, floods, wildfires, and drought it may also be the re-insurance underwriters desire for more stability and the credit rating agencies downgrading carbon polluters that could accelerate this transition even faster.
Over the past six years, and growing dramatically leading up to and post-Paris COP 21, a movement of institutional and individual investors representing more than $6tn in assets under management have divested a portion of their fossil fuel investments and committed to divesting the balance in the next five years. The corollary of divesting fossil fuels is re-investing in the clean energy future. As an invitation to a larger discussion of how we can invest in a clean energy future, we modeled the Carbon Clean 200 (Clean200TM)—a list of the 200 largest companies worldwide ranked by their total clean energy revenues, including revenue associated with energy efficiency themes.
The moral case for divesting from fossil fuels has been well argued, but for many, the economic case is less clear. However, as clean energy growth takes off and demand growth for fossil fuels flatlines, it is probable that divesting from fossil fuels in favor of a clean energy future does not have to come at a sacrifice to long-term investment returns. In its first full year and a half of live performance, Clean200 companies generated a total return of 32.1%. That’s almost double the 15.7% for its fossil fuel benchmark the S&P 1200 Global Energy Index.
Source: Bloomberg (total USD returns free-float market cap weighted re-balanced semi-annually from July 1, 2016 to December 31, 2017)
In its first 18 months of live performance through December 31, 2017, the Clean 200 generated a return of 31.1% versus a 15.7% for its fossil fuel benchmark the S&P 1200 Global Energy Index, and a 10.6% gain for the S&P Global Clean Energy Benchmark. The ten companies that contributed the most to the Clean200’s first year outperformance are involved in the provision of products, materials and services related to energy efficiency.
This past year marked a watershed moment for mainstream investors coming out in favor of the transition from fossil fuels to clean energy. The World Bank promised to stop virtually all lending for oil and gas projects in the developing world after 2019, sending a powerful message to global producers that financial institutions are reassessing the risks of fossil fuel development. The manager of the largest sovereign fund in the world, the Government Pension Fund of Norway, recommended that oil stocks be excluded from its equity benchmark index on risk grounds. The world’s second largest reinsurer, Swiss Re, switched over the entire $130 billion (U.S.) it holds in liquid assets to track ethical indices aligned with the energy transition. One of the largest pension funds in North America--The Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec--with more than $270 billion in assets, set bold targets to shelter its portfolio against the impact of climate change, including plans to reduce the carbon footprint of overall investments by 25% by the year 2025, while increasing its exposure to climate friendly investments like wind power by 50%. BlackRock and Vanguard, which wield outsized clout (a combined $9 trillion in AUM) as the world’s two largest asset managers, also started flexing their muscles by voting for climate change scenario planning shareholder resolutions at ExxonMobil and Occidental Petroleum leading to majority votes that will hopefully result in material changes to “business as usual.”
On the risk side, divesting is about not getting stuck holding stranded fossil fuel assets that are suddenly re-priced once the expectations of market participants no longer believe in the future of fossil fuels, a topic on which Mark Carney, governor of the Bank of England, has expressed concerns on in a landmark speech to global insurer Lloyd’s of London. On the opportunity side, investing in the transition from a high-carbon to a low-carbon economy represents “the largest economic opportunity of the 21st century,” according to John Doerr a major venture capitalist at Kleiner-Perkins in Silicon Valley. It might seem counterintuitive for an investor to sell their fossil fuel stocks when most people are still driving internal combustion cars and burning fossil fuels every day. However, the point and the power dynamic of investing is that, as an investor, you have the power to bet and capitalize on the creation of the world that you want. If you are wrong, you will lose money. If you are right, you will profit from and add momentum to the change you believe in. While many mission-driven investors believe that the arc of history bends towards justice—that companies which create positive rather than negative externalities will prevail —in the case of climate-friendly investing, it may actually be true. Many investors have found this out the hard way. Indeed, in a world of limited capital, every investment holds opportunity cost. When people vote with their investment dollars in favor of clean energy over dirty, it sends a message as powerful as any ballot box that the time has come to stop using the atmosphere as a free dumping ground.
While fossil fuel stock performance stagnates, clean energy is taking off. The world is currently adding twice as much clean power capacity as coal, oil, and gas combined, according to Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF).
Take coal, which accounts for over 40% of global greenhouse gas emissions. The industry is declining rapidly in value, especially in the United States. In the words of Jim Barry, the global head of BlackRock‘s infrastructure investment group: “Coal is dead…The thing that has changed the whole picture fundamentally is that renewables have gotten so cheap.” Oil companies are facing similar problems, as the automotive industry begins to accelerate into the electric-age reducing our reliance on oil. The cost of owning an electric car will fall to the same level as petrol-powered vehicles in the near future. In the past 12 months, almost every major automaker announced major investments in an electric future. The head of product of the company which was previously the trivia answer to “Who killed the electric car?” announced “General Motors believes the future is all-electric,” with several other major auto companies promising to electrify (which can mean fully electric or hybrid) their entire portfolio including Volkswagen (by 2030), Toyota (by 2025), Daimler (by 2022), and Volvo (by 2019). Governments whose people are choking on polluted air are pumping this handcar of change, with China and India both announcing ambitions to phase out fossil fuel cars by 2030.
Major investment indices are now only half as exposed to the fossil fuel sector (1.5% to coal, 6.3% to oil and gas) as they were five years ago. This is not due to any active decision to divest, but rather because fossil fuel stocks have lagged while other sectors have produced healthy returns. While fossil fuel stock performance stagnates, clean energy is taking off. Seventy percent of new global power capacity added through 2030 will be renewable, according to Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF). Wind’s market share of power generation has doubled four times in the past 15 years, and solar has doubled seven times. It’s also getting cheaper to make power from wind and solar, thanks to technology, better financing and economies of scale. Increased demand for a technology generally reduces prices, whereas increased demand for a commodity increases prices. This basic calculus has driven the price of a renewable kilowatt of energy ever downward, making the choice of energy an economic one.
Companies which make a significant amount of their revenue from environmental solutions now make up 5% of global investment indices; the Clean200 list of companies have a collective value over $1.8 trillion.
In the next 10 years, McKinsey expects oil demand growth to flatten due to growing fuel efficiencies and competitive technologies such as the electric car. Battery prices fell 35% last year, and electric car sales rose by 60%. By 2022, BNEF estimates electric vehicles will cost the same as their internal combustion counterparts, and if growth continues at the current pace, oil displacement by electric cars will reach 2 million barrels per day by 2023 — the size of the current oil glut and enough to drive global oil prices to record lows. Factoring in autonomous cars and ride-sharing services, electric cars could reach 50% of new car sales by 2040, according to BNEF, 50 times higher than what OPEC is projecting.
None of this portends an imminent conclusion to our fossil fuel age, but it does suggest an end to fossil fuels as a long-term growth market and the beginning of a long run expansion of clean energy demand. This sentiment has been ratified, sanctified, and tallied by the political, moral, and financial bellwethers of our time, from the Paris climate talks (195 countries committed to phase out fossil fuels this century) to the Vatican (Pope Francis has made moral invocations to drastically reduce use of fossil fuels in the encyclical Laudato Si’) to the Bank of England (the bank’s governor Mark Carney has warned not to get stuck holding a bag of stranded fossil fuel assets).
The Clean 200 US companies outperformed the Clean 200 ex-US companies in first year and a half of live performance.
Some big investors are already adapting:
GICS Sector | # of Clean200 companies |
Industrials | 92 |
Information Technology | 43 |
Utilities | 24 |
Consumer Discretionary | 17 |
Materials | 16 |
Consumer Staples | 3 |
Financials | 2 |
Energy | 1 |
Healthcare | 1 |
Telecommunication Services | 1 |
PFZW, the $183 billion Dutch pension fund, has pledged to halve its carbon footprint by 2020 while increasing its investments in climate solutions fourfold.
CalSTRS committed $2.5 billion to a Low-Carbon Index as part of a multi-faceted approach to align its portfolio with the market realities emerging from climate change.
Irish lawmakers voted to require the U.S. $9bn Irish Strategic Investment Fund to divest from all direct or indirectly held fossil fuel assets.
AXA divested from all coal holdings (mining companies and electric utilities deriving over 50% of their
turnover from coal) and committed to triple its green investments by 2020.
Corporate Knights and As You Sow are committed to updating this list on annual basis with quarterly performance updates and ensuring that it remains in the Creative Commons as a public good. We invite anyone to make it better and share any new ideas to improve the methodology for the next quarter.
CLEAN 200 Companies by Country
Country | # of Clean200 companies |
Greater China | 68 |
USA | 35 |
Japan | 21 |
Germany | 9 |
South Korea | 7 |
India | 7 |
Sweden | 5 |
Canada | 5 |
United Kingdom | 4 |
Denmark | 4 |
Ireland | 4 |
Spain | 4 |
Brazil | 3 |
Netherlands | 3 |
Switzerland | 3 |
Australia | 2 |
France | 2 |
New Zealand | 2 |
Thailand | 2 |
Austria | 1 |
Belgium | 1 |
Chile | 1 |
Finland | 1 |
Greece | 1 |
Italy | 1 |
Kuwait | 1 |
Mexico | 1 |
Philippines | 1 |
Turkey | 1 |
THE CLEAN 200™ Methodology
The Clean200: The biggest 200 public companies ranked by green energy revenues, was first calculated on July 1, 2016 and publicly released on August 15, 2016 by Corporate Knights and As You Sow and now updated with data through the first quarter of 2018.
The Clean200 are listed by their estimated green revenues in USD. The dataset is developed by multiplying a company’s most recent year-end revenues by its BNEF New Energy Exposure Rating mid-point. In cases where companies disclosed their clean energy revenues, this number was verified to ensure consistency and, in some cases, used to override the BNEF data. In order to be eligible, a company must have a market capitalization greater than $1 billion (end of Q1 2018) and earn more than 10% of total revenues from New Energy sources.
The Clean200 uses negative screens. It excludes all oil and gas companies and utilities that generate less than 50% of their power from green sources, as well as the top 100 coal companies measured by reserves, top 100 weapons producers, as well as laggards on tropical deforestation, and child or forced labor and companies who engage in negative climate lobbying.
Clean200 Negative Screens | Criteria | Number of Companies Excluded |
Oil and Gas | SASB SICS Subsector = oil & gas | 4 |
Coal 100 | Top 100 companies by coal reserves | 2 |
Non-Green Utilities | Any utility that derives less than 50% revenue from green sources | 49 |
Top 100 Weapons | The SIPRI Top 100 arms-producing and military services companies in the world | 4 |
Tropical Forest Harm | Scores less than 4 on Forest 500 scale or are on the As you Sow/Friends of the Earth Deforestation Free Funds Tool | 6 |
Child/Forced Labor | Scores in bottom half of Know the Chain rating | 3 |
Negative Climate Lobbying | Scores E or lower on Influence Map rating | 0 |
THE CLEAN 200™ List
February 15, 2018
Rank | Name | Country | Sector |
1 | Siemens Ag-Reg | Germany | Industrials |
2 | Toyota Motor Corp | Japan | Consumer Discretionary |
3 | Schneider Electric Se | France | Industrials |
4 | Abb Ltd-Reg | Switzerland | Industrials |
5 | Panasonic Corp | Japan | Consumer Discretionary |
6 | Vestas Wind Systems A/S | Denmark | Industrials |
7 | Bombardier Inc-B | Canada | Industrials |
8 | Innogy Se | Germany | Utilities |
9 | Sse Plc | United Kingdom | Utilities |
10 | Emerson Electric Co | United States of America | Industrials |
11 | Philips Lighting Nv | Netherlands | Industrials |
12 | Tesla Inc | United States of America | Consumer Discretionary |
13 | Johnson Controls Internation | Ireland; Republic of | Industrials |
14 | Koninklijke Philips Nv | Netherlands | Industrials |
15 | Umicore | Belgium | Materials |
16 | Osram Licht Ag | Germany | Industrials |
17 | Siemens Gamesa Renewable Ene | Spain | Industrials |
18 | Eaton Corp Plc | Ireland; Republic of | Industrials |
19 | Sharp Corp | Japan | Consumer Discretionary |
20 | Dong Energy A/S | Denmark | Utilities |
21 | Xinjiang Goldwind Sci&Tech-A | China | Industrials |
22 | Nordex Se | Germany | Industrials |
23 | Acuity Brands Inc | United States of America | Industrials |
24 | Sunpower Corp | United States of America | Information Technology |
25 | Applied Materials Inc | United States of America | Information Technology |
26 | Byd Co Ltd-H | China | Consumer Discretionary |
27 | Kingspan Group Plc | Ireland; Republic of | Industrials |
28 | Brookfield Renewable Partner | Bermuda | Utilities |
29 | China Longyuan Power Group-H | China | Utilities |
30 | Gcl-Poly Energy Holdings Ltd | Hong Kong | Information Technology |
31 | Andritz Ag | Austria | Industrials |
32 | Acciona Sa | Spain | Utilities |
33 | Ingersoll-Rand Plc | Ireland; Republic of | Industrials |
34 | Te Connectivity Ltd | Switzerland | Information Technology |
35 | First Solar Inc | United States of America | Information Technology |
36 | Svenska Cellulosa Ab Sca-B | Sweden | Materials |
37 | Kyocera Corp | Japan | Information Technology |
38 | Wacker Chemie Ag | Germany | Materials |
39 | Spie Sa | France | Industrials |
40 | Doosan Heavy Industries | Korea; Republic (S. Korea) | Industrials |
41 | China Agri-Industries Hldgs | Hong Kong | Consumer Staples |
42 | Shin-Etsu Chemical Co Ltd | Japan | Materials |
43 | Nidec Corp | Japan | Industrials |
44 | China Everbright Intl Ltd | Hong Kong | Industrials |
45 | Rockwool Intl A/S-B Shs | Denmark | Industrials |
46 | Sumitomo Forestry Co Ltd | Japan | Consumer Discretionary |
47 | Hyosung Corporation | Korea; Republic (S. Korea) | Materials |
48 | Covanta Holding Corp | United States of America | Industrials |
49 | Republic Services Inc | United States of America | Industrials |
50 | Samsung Sdi Co Ltd | Korea; Republic (S. Korea) | Information Technology |
51 | Ebara Corp | Japan | Industrials |
52 | Borgwarner Inc | United States of America | Consumer Discretionary |
53 | Itron Inc | United States of America | Information Technology |
54 | Suzlon Energy Ltd | India | Industrials |
55 | Novozymes A/S-B Shares | Denmark | Materials |
56 | Infineon Technologies Ag | Germany | Information Technology |
57 | Ls Corp | Korea; Republic (S. Korea) | Industrials |
58 | Prysmian Spa | Italy | Industrials |
59 | Hanwha Chemical Corp | Korea; Republic (S. Korea) | Materials |
60 | Edp Renovaveis Sa | Spain | Utilities |
61 | Quanta Services Inc | United States of America | Industrials |
62 | Gcl System Integration Tec-A | China | Information Technology |
63 | Xinte Energy Co Ltd | China | Industrials |
64 | Emcor Group Inc | United States of America | Industrials |
65 | Nibe Industrier Ab-B Shs | Sweden | Industrials |
66 | Hella Kgaa Hueck & Co | Germany | Consumer Discretionary |
67 | Longi Green Energy Technol-A | China | Information Technology |
68 | Xiangtan Electric Manufact-A | China | Industrials |
69 | Suedzucker Ag | Germany | Consumer Staples |
70 | Mercury Nz Ltd | New Zealand | Utilities |
71 | Tianneng Power International Ltd | China | Consumer Discretionary |
72 | Delta Electronics Inc | Taiwan | Information Technology |
73 | Cree Inc | United States of America | Information Technology |
74 | Dic Corp | Japan | Materials |
75 | Zhejiang Chint Electrics-A | China | Industrials |
76 | Azbil Corp | Japan | Information Technology |
77 | Xj Electric Co Ltd-A | China | Industrials |
78 | Avangrid Inc | United States of America | Utilities |
79 | Huaneng Renewables Corp-H | China | Utilities |
80 | Hitachi High-Technologies Co | Japan | Information Technology |
81 | China High Speed Transmissio | Hong Kong | Industrials |
82 | Owens Corning | United States of America | Industrials |
83 | Analog Devices Inc | United States of America | Information Technology |
84 | Huadian Fuxin Energy Corp -H | China | Utilities |
85 | Oci Co Ltd | Korea; Republic (S. Korea) | Materials |
86 | Dongfang Electric Corp Ltd-A | China | Industrials |
87 | Bharat Heavy Electricals | India | Industrials |
88 | Risen Energy Co Ltd-A | China | Information Technology |
89 | Sma Solar Technology Ag | Germany | Information Technology |
90 | Tianjin Zhonghuan Semicond-A | China | Information Technology |
91 | Atlantica Yield Plc | United Kingdom | Utilities |
92 | Cnpc Capital Co Ltd-A | China | Industrials |
93 | Kinden Corp | Japan | Industrials |
94 | Tofas Turk Otomobil Fabrika | Turkey | Consumer Discretionary |
95 | Sanan Optoelectronics Co L-A | China | Information Technology |
96 | Terraform Power Inc - A | United States of America | Utilities |
97 | Nemak Sab De Cv | Mexico | Consumer Discretionary |
98 | Sungrow Power Supply Co Lt-A | China | Industrials |
99 | Sao Martinho Sa | Brazil | Consumer Staples |
100 | Nari Technology Co Ltd-A | China | Industrials |
101 | Mobile Telecommunications Co | Kuwait | Telecommunication Services |
102 | Jiangsu Zhongli Group Co L-A | China | Industrials |
103 | Mls Co Ltd-A | China | Information Technology |
104 | Seoul Semiconductor Co Ltd | Korea; Republic (S. Korea) | Information Technology |
105 | Stanley Electric Co Ltd | Japan | Consumer Discretionary |
106 | Epistar Corp | Taiwan | Information Technology |
107 | Shanghai Aerospace Automob-A | China | Information Technology |
108 | Xinyi Solar Holdings Ltd | China | Information Technology |
109 | Sig Plc | United Kingdom | Industrials |
110 | Hitachi Capital Corp | Japan | Financials |
111 | Hongfa Technology Co Ltd-A | China | Industrials |
112 | Gs Yuasa Corp | Japan | Industrials |
113 | Regal Beloit Corp | United States of America | Industrials |
114 | Kaidi Ecological-A | China | Utilities |
115 | Rohm Co Ltd | Japan | Information Technology |
116 | Nextera Energy Partners Lp | United States of America | Utilities |
117 | Ningbo Sanxing Electric Co-A | China | Industrials |
118 | Valmet Oyj | Finland | Industrials |
119 | Energy Development Corp | Philippines | Utilities |
120 | Jiangsu Zhongtian Technolo-A | China | Industrials |
121 | Sacyr Sa | Spain | Industrials |
122 | China Shipbuilding Industr-A | China | Consumer Discretionary |
123 | Ormat Technologies Inc | United States of America | Utilities |
124 | Weg Sa | Brazil | Industrials |
125 | Zhejiang Yankon Group Co L-A | China | Industrials |
126 | Shenzhen Desay Battery Tec-A | China | Industrials |
127 | Smith (A.O.) Corp | United States of America | Industrials |
128 | Tokuyama Corp | Japan | Materials |
129 | Kyowa Exeo Corp | Japan | Industrials |
130 | Timken Co | United States of America | Industrials |
131 | Suzhou Dongshan Precision-A | China | Industrials |
132 | Arcadis Nv | Netherlands | Industrials |
133 | Hangzhou First Applied Mat-A | China | Information Technology |
134 | Jiangsu Akcome Science & T-A | China | Information Technology |
135 | Tellhow Sci-Tech Co Ltd-A | China | Industrials |
136 | Trimble Inc | United States of America | Information Technology |
137 | Oc Oerlikon Corp Ag-Reg | Switzerland | Industrials |
138 | New Flyer Industries Inc | Canada | Industrials |
139 | Takuma Co Ltd | Japan | Industrials |
140 | Guangdong Baolihua New-A | China | Utilities |
141 | Cpfl Energias Renovaveis | Brazil | Utilities |
142 | Shenzhen Kaifa Technology-A | China | Information Technology |
143 | Badger Meter Inc | United States of America | Information Technology |
144 | Perkinelmer Inc | United States of America | Health Care |
145 | Woodward Inc | United States of America | Industrials |
146 | Tata Chemicals Ltd | India | Materials |
147 | China Xd Electric Co Ltd-A | China | Industrials |
148 | Tetra Tech Inc | United States of America | Industrials |
149 | China Baoan Group-A | China | Industrials |
150 | Shenzhen Clou Electronics-A | China | Industrials |
151 | Hexcel Corp | United States of America | Industrials |
152 | Soc Quimica Y Minera Chile-B | Chile | Materials |
153 | Jiangxi Special Electric -A | China | Industrials |
154 | Csr Ltd | Australia | Materials |
155 | Exide Industries Ltd | India | Consumer Discretionary |
156 | Sweco Ab-B Shs | Sweden | Industrials |
157 | Sumco Corp | Japan | Information Technology |
158 | Simplo Technology Co Ltd | Taiwan | Information Technology |
159 | Shenzhen Jiawei Photovolta-A | China | Information Technology |
160 | Far East Smarter Energy Co-A | China | Industrials |
161 | Cofco Biochemical Co Ltd -A | China | Materials |
162 | Jm Ab | Sweden | Consumer Discretionary |
163 | Meridian Energy Ltd | New Zealand | Utilities |
164 | Xinyi Glass Holdings Ltd | Hong Kong | Consumer Discretionary |
165 | Guangdong East Power Co Lt-A | China | Information Technology |
166 | Comfort Systems Usa Inc | United States of America | Industrials |
167 | Idfc Ltd | India | Financials |
168 | Pattern Energy Group Inc | United States of America | Utilities |
169 | Thermax Ltd | India | Industrials |
170 | Teco Electric & Machinery | Taiwan | Industrials |
171 | Foshan Nationstar Optoelec-A | China | Information Technology |
172 | Esco Technologies Inc | United States of America | Industrials |
173 | Hengdian Group Dmegc -A | China | Information Technology |
174 | Titan Wind Energy Suzhou-A | China | Industrials |
175 | Hongli Zhihui Group Co Ltd-A | China | Information Technology |
176 | Arcplus Group Plc-A | China | Materials |
177 | Sichuan Chengfei Integrat -A | China | Consumer Discretionary |
178 | Hexing Electrical Co Ltd-A | China | Information Technology |
179 | Dialog Semiconductor Plc | United Kingdom | Information Technology |
180 | Zhongtong Bus & Holding Co-A | China | Industrials |
181 | Mytilineos Holdings S.A. | Greece | Industrials |
182 | Delta Electronics Thai Pcl | Thailand | Information Technology |
183 | Csg Holding Co Ltd - B | China | Materials |
184 | Innergex Renewable Energy | Canada | Utilities |
185 | Energy Absolute Pcl | Thailand | Energy |
186 | Northwestern Corp | United States of America | Utilities |
187 | Beijing New Building Mater-A | China | Industrials |
188 | Universal Display Corp | United States of America | Information Technology |
189 | Wuxi Huaguang Boiler Co-A | China | Industrials |
190 | Beijing Jingyuntong Techno-A | China | Information Technology |
191 | Nissin Electric Co Ltd | Japan | Industrials |
192 | Transalta Renewables Inc | Canada | Utilities |
193 | Cleanaway Waste Management L | Australia | Industrials |
194 | Apogee Enterprises Inc | United States of America | Industrials |
195 | Hunan Corun New Energy Co-A | China | Industrials |
196 | Fagerhult Ab | Sweden | Industrials |
197 | Foshan Electrical & Light-B | China | Industrials |
198 | Zhejiang Narada Power Sour-A | China | Industrials |
199 | Havells India Ltd | India | Industrials |
200 | Gibraltar Industries Inc | United States of America | Industrials |
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Clean 200™ 2018 Q1 Update: Investing in a Clean Energy Future by Toby Heaps, Michael Yow, Andrew Behar is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at