As You Sow Investor Call for a Global Treaty on Plastic Pollution
Unsustainable plastic production, consumption, and waste continues to accelerate at an alarming rate. Increasing levels of plastic pollution represent a serious global environmental problem, generating large amounts of greenhouse gases, adversely impacting marine biodiversity and ecosystems, fisheries, recreation and tourism, and posing human health risks.
Without immediate and sustained action, the annual flow of plastic into world oceans could nearly triple from 11 million metric tons to 29 million metric tons by 2040.
The undersigned 151 members of the investment community, representing nearly $5.5 trillion in collective assets under management, call on United Nations Member States to lay the groundwork for a global treaty to eradicate plastic pollution at the upcoming UN Environment Assembly meeting in February-March 2022.
We urge UN Member States to establish an Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee at UNEA 5.2 to develop an ambitious, global, legally binding treaty on plastic pollution.
Many leading businesses and financial institutions are already calling for a legally binding treaty on plastic pollution, which is also supported by more than three quarters of UN Member States, and more than 2 million people. The treaty should prioritize:
A coordinated international response that covers the entire life cycle of plastics, not just improvements to waste management systems.
Reducing plastic use at least in line with the one-third cut in demand recommended by the Pew Charitable Trusts’ Breaking the Plastic Wave report.
A circular economy approach, eliminating problematic and unnecessary plastics and focusing upstream to design out waste before it is created.
Decoupling plastic production from consumption of fossil fuels. Agreement on harmonized definitions and standards.
A coordinated international approach on national targets, action plans, and minimum requirements.
Common reporting and monitoring standards at corporate and national levels.
International capacity building mechanisms to support technology transfer, citizen education, and funding to scale innovative initiatives.
We are at a critical point in turning the tide on unfettered and outmoded linear plastic production and the burgeoning waste problem. UNEA 5.2 represents the world’s best hope for a global, harmonized, binding solution to plastic pollution.
Aargauische Pensionskasse (APK)
Adrian Dominican Sisters, Portfolio Advisory Board
Aegon Asset Management
As You Sow
ATISA Personalvorsorgestiftung der Tschümperlin-Unternehmungen
AVENA - Fondation BCV 2e pilier
Aviva Investors
Bailard, Inc.
Bernische Lehrerversicherungskasse
Bernische Pensionskasse BPK
Betterworld at Mackenzie Investments
Bluprint Financial
Boston Common Asset Management
Caisse Cantonale d'Assurance Populaire – CCAP
Caisse de pension du Comité international de la Croix-Rouge
Caisse de pension Hewlett-Packard Plus
Caisse de pensions de l'Etat de Vaud (CPEV)
Caisse de pensions du personnel communal de Lausanne (CPCL)
Caisse de pensions ECA-RP
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Caisse de prév. des Fonctionnaires de Police & des Etablissements Pénitentiaires
Caisse de Prévoyance de l'Etat de Genève CPEG
Caisse de Prévoyance des Interprètes de Conférence (CPIC)
Caisse de prévoyance du personnel communal de la ville de Fribourg
Caisse de prévoyance du personnel de l'Etat de Fribourg (CPPEF)
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Caisse de retraite professionnelle de l'industrie vaudoise de la construction
Caisse intercommunale de pensions (CIP)
Caisse paritaire de prévoyance de l'industrie et de la construction (CPPIC)
CAP Prévoyance
Cassa pensioni di Lugano
Central Finance Board of the Methodist Church and Epworth Investment Management Ltd.
Chicory Wealth
Church Investment Group
CIEPP - Caisse Inter-Entreprises de Prévoyance Professionnelle
ClearBridge Investments
CommonSpirit Health
Congregation of Sisters of St. Agnes
Congregation of St. Joseph
CPCN - Caisse de pensions de la fonction publique du canton de Neuchâtel
Dana Investment Advisors
Daughters of Charity, Province of St. Louise
Dominican Sisters ~ Grand Rapids (MI)
Earth Equity Advisors, LLC
EdenTree Investment Management Ltd
Etablissement Cantonal d'Assurance (ECA VAUD)
Etablissement cantonal d'assurance et de prévention (ECAP- Neuchâtel)
Ethos Foundation
Evangelisch-reformierte Landeskirche des Kantons Zürich
Everence and the Praxis Mutual Funds
Farm Girl Capital, LLC
First Affirmative Financial Network
Fondation de la métallurgie vaudoise du bâtiment (FMVB)
Fondation de prévoyance Artes & Comoedia
Fondation de prévoyance des Paroisses et Institutions Catholiques (FPPIC)
Fondation de prévoyance du Groupe BNP PARIBAS en Suisse
Fondation de Prévoyance Edmond de Rothschild
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Fondation Leenaards
Fondation Patrimonia
Fonds de Prévoyance de CA Indosuez (Suisse) SA
Fonds interprofessionnel de prévoyance (FIP)
Gebäudeversicherung Luzern
Gebäudeversicherung St. Gallen
Green Century Capital Management, Inc.
Harrington Investments, Inc.
HIP Investor
Impact Capital Strategies
Impact Investors
Impax Asset Management PLC
Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility
Jesuit Committee on Investment Responsibility
Liechtensteinische AHV-IV-FAK
Loyalis BVG-Sammelstiftung
Luzerner Pensionskasse
Marianist Province of US
Mercy Investment Services, Inc.
Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate/OIP Trust
Natural Investments
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Nest Sammelstiftung
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Northwest Coalition for Responsible Investment
Oldenburg Franciscans
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Pensionskasse AR
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Pensionskasse Pro Infirmis
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Pensionskasse Unia
Pensionskasse von Krankenversicherungs-Organisationen
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Personalvorsorgestiftung der Würth-Gruppe Schweiz
Previva, fonds de prévoyance des professionnels du travail social
Prévoyance Santé Valais (PRESV)
Profelia Fondation de Prévoyance
Progressive Investment Management
Prosperita Stiftung für die berufliche Vorsorge
Raiffeisen Pensionskasse Genossenschaft
Region VI Coalition for Responsible Investment
Rentes Genevoises
RP - Fonds Institutionnel
Sarasin & Partners LLP
School Sisters of Notre Dame, Central Pacific Province
Secunda Sammelstiftung
SharePower Responsible Investing
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Sisters of Mary Reparatrix
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Sisters of the Holy Cross
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Sisters of the Precious Blood
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Spida Personalvorsorgestiftung
St. Galler Pensionskasse
Stiftung Abendrot
Stiftung Personalvorsorge Liechtenstein
Sustainable Advisors Alliance LLC
SVA Zürich
Symova Sammelstiftung BVG
Terra Alpha Investments
Terre des hommes Schweiz
Trillium Asset Management
Unfallversicherungskasse des Basler Staatspersonals
United Church Funds
Université de Genève (UNIGE)
Vancity Investment Management (VCIM)
Verein Barmherzige Brüder von Maria-Hilf (Schweiz)
Veris Wealth Partners
Vert Asset Management
Vorsorge SERTO
WHEB Asset Management