Antibiotic resistance threatens our ability to treat infections such as pneumonia, tuberculosis, and salmonellosis, among others; the result is that previously controllable diseases are becoming more and more fatal.
Read MoreThe SEC is the government agency that — among other responsibilities — regulates the shareholder proxy process including the statute that allows shareholder resolutions
Read MoreAs You Sow is pleased to be a signatory to a Global Commitment to eradicate plastic waste and pollution signed by 250 organizations including many of the world’s largest packaging producers, brands, and retailers.
Read MoreAmericans throw away an estimated 100 billion plastic bags a year, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, which says the average bag takes up to 1,000 years to break down. Even then, the plastic remains in the environment and food chain.
Read MoreAs You Sow is lucky enough to be based in Oakland, California. When Gov. Jerry Brown announced that our neighbor San Francisco would host a Global Climate Action Summit, our ears perked up.
Read MoreThis year we are seeing in real time what happens when companies have massive amounts of cash. The combination of corporate tax cuts and repatriation of money from fattened corporate bank accounts abroad to record-breaking balances.
Read MoreRapid cost declines have made clean renewable energy the United States’ cheapest available source of new electricity. And that’s reason to be skeptical of putting your savings in coal-related stocks. Coal-fired power companies could be at risk of “stranded assets”.
Read MoreMethane, which has approximately 86 times the global warming potential of carbon dioxide over a 20-year period, is the main component of natural gas. Emissions of this potent climate forcer occur throughout the oil and gas supply chain. A recent EDF study demonstrated this problem could be 60% worse than previously thought.
Read MoreAs You Sow is pleased to announce the launch of the Plastic Solutions Investor Alliance, an international coalition of investors that will engage publicly traded consumer goods companies on the threat posed by plastic waste and pollution.
Read MoreAt the beginning of the modern, health-conscious age, cereal giant General Mills faced a big problem. Traditional snacks and cereals were still profitable but were no longer growing in sales, as consumers of all kinds began to prefer healthier, more authentic food.
Read MoreAs the Trump administration announces a weakening of Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards, it is important that American automakers do not ease up in their emission reductions.
Read MoreMark 2018 as the year that irresponsible methane emissions became nearly universally unacceptable. Methane mitigation is now serious business.
Read MoreIt would take 100 such employees more than a decade. Walmart CEO Doug McMillon’s total compensation of $22.8 million certainly let’s him live by Walmart’s slogan to “save money and live better,” but the story for employees and long-term shareholders is different.
Read MoreDivestment isn’t the end - there’s a way to double your impact. You can make sure the money you’ve taken out of fossil fuels is working towards a clean energy future. See how much of your savings are helping build wind turbines, solar panels, and other clean technologies.
Read MoreThe plastic pollution crisis has finally resulted in a wakeup call, albeit weak and tentative, by U.S. plastic resin producers.
Read MoreHealthy, environmentally-friendly food is taking off in every corner of society and the restaurant chains we grew up with are struggling to adapt. They are slow and tentative to move, and often need a push from their own shareholders.
Read MoreMonster Beverage has an obligation to its consumers, its shareholders, and the employees of its supply chain to be transparent. Transparency is the first step in making progress toward ending modern slavery.
Read MoreEvery day, our world’s plastic addiction becomes painfully clearer. With at least 8 million tons of plastic dumped into the oceans each year, we are shoveling a big ol’ truckful of plastic into our precious waters each minute of every day.
Read MoreAlarm bells have long been ringing about the controversial process of hydraulic fracturing or “fracking”. Opposition has focused on community health impacts from air and water emissions as well as climate change impacts from leaking methane, a potent greenhouse gas.
Read MoreThe SEC is not meant to protect ExxonMobil from important shareholder questions. Rather, the proposal process is intended to allow an open discussion between shareholders and their company.
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