BlackRock CEO Larry Fink’s 2020 annual letter sounds fantastic. It declares that the world’s largest asset manager will prioritize climate risks in investing. It acknowledges that “Climate change has become a defining factor in companies’ long-term prospects.
Read MoreNew York City's chief financial officer has called on three large U.S. utilities to institute an independent board chair in a move intended to help them navigate a stransition to a low-carbon economy.
Read MoreDue to As You Sow’s pioneering engagement efforts, last month Colgate-Palmolive Co. began shipping the first toothpaste tube recognized as recyclable by plastics recyclers.
Read MoreOver two decades of engagement with Pepsi, there’s good news and there’s bad news about its record on delivering on commitments.
Read MoreToday, nearly 200 CEOs of the world’s largest corporations did an about-face with an updated “Statement on the Purpose of a Corporation” from the Business Roundtable.
Read MoreNow it’s 2019, and, for the first time ever, there is no company in the S&P 500 that has an all-male board. Companies with leading talent management practices were more than four times as likely to have a critical mass (three) of female directors than companies considered talent management laggards.
Read MoreAnyone with a workplace retirement account may be profiting from the sales of guns and ammunition. Vanguard, iShares from Blackrock, Fidelity, and State Street are all heavily invested in gun makers. Walmart employees are protesting the company’s selling of firearms.
Read MoreDenny’s joins a growing group of major fast food and fast casual chains (McDonald’s, Wendy’s, KFC, Chipotle, and others) that have established policies prohibiting the use of medically important antibiotics in chicken.
Read MoreIt was the hook that drew me into the arena of impact investing. I first heard about the concept of gender-lens investing from the innovative people at Criterion Institute 10 years ago.
Read MoreThere’s a common myth that says moving your money away from increasingly risky fossil fuel investments means having to sacrifice returns. But it’s not true. A growing body of evidence indicates that investing in funds with fewer fossil fuel holdings does not mean making less money.
Read MoreThe U.S. Women’s World Cup win has put the need for fair pay policies back into discussion. Of course, the usual arguments against this concept are also in play.
Read MoreThese 12 indicators measure policies that demonstrate a commitment to gender diversity and gender balance in the overall leadership, management, and workforce of companies, combining into an overall gender equality portfolio score for each mutual fund.
Read MoreNumerous studies show women are paid less than their male counterparts. This is a key challenge for companies as they face reputational risk, consumer backlash, new legislation and governmental and employee lawsuits.
Read MoreTo power Gender Equality Funds and help you invest your values, we combined two detailed data sources: company gender equality data from Equileap and mutual fund holdings data from Morningstar.
Read MoreFast Company‘s third annual World Changing Ideas Awards drew nearly 2,000 submissions across 17 categories.
Read MoreIn The XX Factor: A Comprehensive Framework to Improve the Lives of Women & Girls, we highlighted which data can help philanthropic funders understand where their help may be most needed.
Read MoreGender equality is a fundamental issue of justice. In the U.S., full-time female workers earn $10,000 less than men: that’s simply not fair. At the same time, the business case for gender balance is now impossible to ignore.
Read MoreOn average, American women are more educated than men. For decades, women have earned more bachelor’s degrees, master’s degrees, and doctorate degrees than men. Yet women in the U.S. workforce still earn less than their male counterparts.
Read MoreBlackRock, the world’s largest asset manager, has declared that is is embracing sustainable investing. But, despite its stated intentions, BlackRock still has billions invested in companies with business models that are not in alignment with the Paris climate agreement.
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