Tisha Schuller sits down with Danielle Fugere, President of As You Sow to learn about shareholder activism from the activist perspective. Shareholder resolutions are increasingly successful in pushing oil and gas companies to address climate concerns on activist terms.
Read MoreIn early May, French company Total, became the latest investor-owned oil and gas company to come out with an ambitious-sounding climate announcement. Total stated its support for the “goals of the Paris Agreement” and an intent “to be consistent with these goals . . . with a view for Total to get to net zero by 2050.”
Read MoreOur current agricultural system is characterized in large part by industrial-scale farms that grow only one species of crop at a time, with no or inadequate rotation. Although industrial agriculture over time the system has degraded the land, water, and other resources we depend on for life.
Read MoreIn early May, French company Total, became the latest investor-owned oil and gas company to come out with an ambitious-sounding climate announcement. Total stated its support for the “goals of the Paris Agreement”.
Read MoreFor-profit firms have flooded money into prison and detention center infrastructure — and lobby for harsher policing and longer sentencing, even for non-violent offenders.
Read MoreThank you for standing up for values-aligned and ESG investing and opposing this unjust restriction of our freedom to make our own investing decisions.
Read MoreThere are currently 110 million U.S. employees with $8.4 trillion invested in corporate retirement plans and demand for values-based investment options is on the rise. However, it is often the case that the investment options in the company-defined 401(k) are often not in alignment with the company's stated values and sustainability goals.
Read MoreFour months after the World Health Organization declared coronavirus a pandemic, cases in the United States continue to rise. Many facets of our national economy are being tested by this crisis and the food system has been particularly hard hit.
Read MoreWant to help build a regenerative economy? As You Sow and leading experts discussed how to rebuild economies in a clean and equitable way, how the natural world and human health are interconnected, and how stakeholder capitalism will help lead the way.
Read MoreEarlier this year, Kellogg’s quietly announced that, by 2025, it will phase out pre-harvest use of glyphosate in its major wheat and oat supply chains. This important action comes after the company’s products appeared in several reports finding glyphosate residues in nearly every sampled popular breakfast foods.
Read MoreWithout a doubt, electric utilities have made significant progress in recent years in taking actions to reduce the sector’s impact on the climate crisis. Power sector companies are moving away from coal, setting net-zero or other substantial greenhouse gas emission reduction targets.
Read MoreI’m Andrew Behar, CEO of the non-profit As You Sow. This shareholder resolution, is of the utmost importance as it asks the critical question: How do words become actions?
Read MoreIf there is one takeaway from the pain and anguish of COVID-19 it is that we now have dramatic proof that: SCIENCE = LIFE IGNORANCE = DEATH.
Read MoreAs You Sow hosted a webinar, on April 22, to discuss the opportunities and risks of fossil free investing and how aligning investing with your values may be your safest path to a secure retirement portfolio. The webinar also included a tour of FossilFreeFunds.org.
Read MoreThe window of opportunity to prevent catastrophic climate change is narrowing. The world is already experiencing harmful impacts surpassing earlier projections, and such harms will only increase as “business as usual” emissions continue.
Read MoreWhile our staff and millions of people around the world shelter-in-place, factories are shuttered, planes sit idle, and cars are off the roads; there is no doubt that this economic halt from the coronavirus pandemic is incredibly painful and this uncertainty will last for months.
Read MorePaid sick leave has always been an important benefit to employees, but the coronavirus pandemic is throwing into stark relief how critical it is from a corporate risk management perspective.
Read MoreAs You Sow and Friends of the Earth held a webinar on Deforestation Free Funds that explored what ordinary investors— and their fund managers — could do to move their money out of deforestation-risk commodities.
Read MoreOn Jan. 23, As You Sow and Women of the World Endowment sponsored a webinar on gender-lens investing. We discussed how to build market awareness of gender-lens investing products to help scale investments that support gender equality.
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